Does any of this sound familiar…..”it’s a crazy seller’s market. You don’t need to do anything to sell your home. Houses are flying off the shelf. I just sold my home in one day I’m so excited about it”? The bottom line is that it is a crazy seller’s market, but when I hear statements like these, honestly, they are way too general.
Every situation, every home, and every outcome a seller is looking for drastically changes from person to person. I’m Lori Lynn, Realtor® with Coldwell Banker Access Realty. If you’re in the Golden Isles and possibly interested or thinking of selling but you’ve got some questions and would like some information from a professional who eats, & breathes real estate, just click this link.
There you’ll find a series of videos that will go over the selling process in great detail. You’ll learn everything from how to price your home to what you should be expected to pay for, as well as what you can do to maximize the return on your investment.
Also, if you’re wondering or just curious about what the value of your home is, I can send you a free market analysis. What is a market analysis? It is a detailed analysis of other homes that are very similar to yours that have recently sold. It will help you to know where to accurately price your property. Just click this link for a series of videos to educate you.
If you’re thinking about buying or selling, or would just like a little advice, please give me a call at 912-202-2200. You’re guaranteed the excellence you deserve from the Realtor® you trust . I want you to know that I take my profession very seriously and can’t wait to talk with you. If you know anyone who may benefit from this video or blog, please send it to them. Remember, it’s always great day to buy or sell some real estate!